Photo: Jacy Marmaduke/The Coloradoan
Jacy Marmaduke, Fort Collins Coloradoan
More than 200 people turned up at a Larimer County commissioners hearing that provided the first opportunity for public comment on the revised Thornton pipeline route.
Most never got to the microphone.
Monday night’s hearing mostly consisted of presentations from Larimer County staff, who say Thornton’s new plan to pipe Poudre River water through the county meets code, and city of Thornton staff who sought to emphasize the benefits they’ll offer the county if commissioners approve the pipeline.
Public comment will roll over to an additional hearing at 6:30 p.m. Feb. 4 at 200 W. Oak St. Another hearing is penciled in for Feb. 11.
Thornton’s modified pipeline route would run along County Road 56 north of Fort Collins rather than previously proposed Douglas Road, and Thornton leaders say that change would cause fewer impacts to private properties and traffic. County Road 56 receives less than 5 percent of Douglas Road’s traffic volume, according to county analysis.